t h e
g l e n n
r e h a b ™

glenn gangano, rn, cmt

l i s t e n .   s u p p o r t .   e d u c a t e .   h e a l .

the glenn rehab experience centers
around listening to the root cause
of pain and supporting the whole
person in understanding how to heal
through education.

b o o k   a n   a p p o i n t m e n t

“working with glenn has transformed my quality of life.” – ann

“glenn helped me so much with my
post-op swelling using manual
lymphatic drainage.”- nicolette

“glenn was able to spend time to listen to and understand where my pain and tightness were coming from. He was able to develop a plan and educate me on his thoughts and progress.” – steve

“i thoroughly appreciate his holistic
approach on wellness and self care.”
– rowena


1801 Bu s h St r e e t, Su i t e 303, Sa n Fr a n c i s c o , CA 94109 4159967979